
Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas + Snow = True Happiness

After all the presents were opened and all of our sweet family went home we were given another present. 
A White Christmas!!

This is probably my favorite picture.  I am so blessed.  Thank you Jesus for my blessings and for your sacrifices.  I am so undeserving. 

See what a little bit of team work can accomplish? 

It has become a tradition that we stay in our pajama's all day Christmas day......
Yes, I always host Christmas dinner at my house and yes I stay in my jammies.
That's how I roll.....the parents and in laws are used to it now.
Speaking of roll..... That new jacket gives me a roll....
Not a nice picture at all. But one day I know I will look back on it with fond memories.  Today I just say ewe..... I look terrible!

Saturday, December 25, 2010

White Christmas

Drew's note to Santa......... Dear Santa, I would like to have an xbox 360 kinect...... I have been a good boy
Madison's note to Santa.... Santa, I would like a phone even though my mom won't let me have one.....

Mommy's note to Santa..... Dear Santa, I want a white Christmas.... I've been a good girl too.
Thank you Santa.

Friday, December 10, 2010

My Charlie Brown tree

We have 4 Christmas trees in the house and this little guy is my favorite.  It is my Country Christmas Charlie Brown tree...
It makes my heart happy.

And I should give a shout out to my husband. Although he couldn't really get around, he fluffed and put together all four trees.  And thank you to my FIL Don for getting all of the trees out of the attic....... Poor Darin couldn't do much after ACL surgery.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

No picture November.....

I don't know how it happened.... November went by and I didn't take one picture.
But here is my sweet Drew last year as the Pilgrim minister in his kindergarten Thanksgiving play.
I have so much to be thankful for......

Saturday, October 2, 2010

I am now the mother of a tween? Say what!!!!

Some of the party crew...... I don't remember having parties like these. :)
The 'boy-friend"........ I don't think I had a boyfriend @ 12.  Good thing I know his parents. LOL

Sweet girls!

Nothing like having the skating rink to yourself!!!

And so it happened, just like that my sweet girl became a "tween"

Am I even old enough to have a tween? (Don't answer that.....)

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Where did the time go?

A week ago today I was all packed and ready to leave for our beach vacation.......... tonight I sit - taking a break from lesson plans - looking back on the memories we made. 

Oh how I will miss you..... but one day we will meet again. 

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Friday, September 10, 2010

Friday Night Lights

Although Madison may not think so, I still remember the excitement of Friday Night Football.  The stadium lights, the band, all of the students piled on the big M in the stands..... Oh how life was so simple then.  If I only knew then what I know now.

JoJo, Syd & Madison 
Three of the sweetest girls I know. 
The Crew..... oh puppy love. 

Monday, August 30, 2010

A boy with many legos and his four legged friend.

The pictures are horrible I'll admit....I left my camera in my classroom and I didn't want to miss the moment. So an i phone picture will do......Our days are becoming consumed with activites, homework, activites, housework, activities... and did I mention activities? A downtime moment is rare in this house. So here sits my little man, after cub scouts, after his bath.... and before his clothes. :)

There is always time for legos!

And next to him is my other little man..... the cat. I'm a cat lover, always have been and always will be. Peppers is secretly waiting for Drew to leave a lego on the floor so he can scoot it around the house at night. He loves getting frisky and making loud noises at 2 am with any type of toy. And watch out silly bands.... this panther will eat you. He takes no mercy!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Toes in the water.....

We are on week three of the kids being back to school and week four of me being back to school! And......
 I NeeD A VaCaTiOn!!! 
I love our schedule... Fall Break, Thanksgiving Break, Christmas Break, Winter Break and Spring Break!!!  I count down to each one. And Fall Break is 5 weeks away!!!  Don't get me wrong,  I love my job... it is one of the most rewarding things in my life... next to being mommy to Madison and Drew.  But, because of Darin's ACL replacement surgery we didn't get to go on vacation this summer and this momma is feeling it. :)

SO, soon in 5 weeks... I will once again be sitting on the beach looking out at the Alantic Ocean..... only this time a little further north. :) 

Whoo-hoo... let the count down begin.

Monday, August 2, 2010

School has started...

School has started! It has been a busy time around here.... I still can't believe that Madison is a big sixth grader (eek!) and Drew is in first grade! Where has the time gone? And how do I make it stop?

Thank you to Miss Madison and Drew-Drew for putting up with and letting me take your photo. You are growing up and I want to remember every moment.

Miss Madison Bailey (6th grade) and Mr. Drew Hunter (1st grade) on the 1st Day of School  2010

Drew (Kindergarten) and Madison (5th grade) on the 1st day of school 2009

Madison (4th grade) and Drew (Pre-K) on the first day of school 2008



Saturday, July 3, 2010

Just one picture for mommy?

Ever since I can remember my mom has taken me to the Marietta parade for the 4th of July celebration. It is a is expected. Today, we broke tradition. -eek- I was a little hesitant only because I didn't want to hurt my mom's feelings. Turns out, she didn't care what parade we went to....I love that woman. I digress....

We went to the Woodstock parade this morning for a few reasons.
1. It's closer
2. We should support the towns we live in.
3. My good looking husband was going to be in it. :)
Reason # 3 was good enough reason for me!!! It was neat seeing him ride by in his patrol car with our crazy K-9 in the back. My heart swelled when the kids waved and yelled "Daddy!!" And the wink he gave me when he rode by wasn't too bad either.

Here is a picture of two of the most important ladies in my life. This picture brings me to tears. Here sits a red head called Mimi by her grand kids and known as momma to me. She is an amazing woman. I love her so much. :) She has taught me so much.

Sitting in her lap is my little girl - - Sweet Miss Madison. I find myself saying things to Madison these days that my mom use to say to me. I SWORE I would never say those things. When I was Madison's age, I would get so mad at my mom at the things she would say. I would roll my eyes at her all the time.... I was convinced she just didn't know what I was going through. I am sure Madison feels the same way I did when I was a kid. She probably thinks I'm old, I don't understand.... etc. But, if I can be 1/2 the mom to Madison that my mom is to me.... I guess all of the eye rolling will be worth it.

Here sits my Yoo-hoo boy - chocolate mustache and all. He was so excited about the parade. He is very patriotic and loved seeing all of the red, white, and blue. He wants to be an "Army man." I am glad that he has a love for his country but this momma isn't so keen on her baby boy wanting to be in the Army. I have seen the fear and pain in my mommas eyes every time my brother has gone off to war. Luckily, he is six and we have a few more years before he has to make a decision of what he wants to be when he grows up.

What can I say about this picture? First I should say THANK YOU..... getting them both to smile at the same time these days is almost impossible. So thank you Madison and Drew... this meant a lot to your momma. Now could both of you stop growing so fast? Not only are my babies are getting older...but so am I!!!!

This picture should need no caption. But for those who are interested...
Me: Madison, Drew... lets take a picture together.
Madison: My eyes hurt
Me: Drew come on... you get on the other knee.
Madison: My eyes hurt
Drew: Move over Madison
Madison: The sun is bright, my eyes hurt
Mom: (taking the picture) Drew move your head.. I can't see your mom.
Mom: Madison smile
Madison: My EYES HURT!!
Mom: Say cheese
Madison: Ah, I think I blinked
Me: Forget it.....

Happy 4th of July!!!!!

Monday, June 28, 2010

Stone Mountain

What a great evening for a laser show! While Cherokee county was getting hit hard with thunderstorms, we enjoyed a overcast, breezy night at the rock. Love me some family time!

Who really needs those cucumbers???

Today has been a busy day! Its been a good busy, I like good "busy's" and thank God for giving me busy days like today.

Here's my day in a snapshot......
Grocery shopping
made waffles
Put dinner in the crockpot

Lunch - chili cheese slaw dogs..... mmmmmm!
Raingutter Regatta w/ Troop 1153 - Drew had a ball!!! Love my little tiger!
Rain - Homemade ice cream...... yum!
Had dinner with sweet friends over

A good girls talk on the driveway..... thanks Denise!
Cleaned the kitchen
Worked on flipcharts for my class next year
Gave Drew man a bath

and then had a late night snack, cucumbers from Tony and Denise's garden..........

Whew!! I think I'm the one that needs those cucumbers! :) Hand 'em over Drew, mommas gotta get some beauty sleep!

Saturday, June 26, 2010

A man and his yard.....

After spending all day at the pool with my dear friend Denise, the kids and I decided that we were going to do our good deed for the day and cut the grass for Darin. Darin has been working long hours and hasn't gotten much sleep, so it seemed like a good idea. Let me stop.... did you see the title? You can probably guess the ending can't you.......?

It was 8:30ish, the sun was setting and the temperture was pleasant. And so it began.... I began mowing, the kids - to my surprise started raking up the extra grass ('cause I don't bag.... Problem #1)

It started getting dark and I am sure I missed a few spots... (Problem #2)

And I could only get the blower cranked once and didn't get it all of the grass blown off the driveway and walkway..... (Problem #3) Do you see a pattern?

It felt good to get out there and sweat and my heart smiled everytime I looked up and saw Madison and Drew working together as a team. I was a happy momma. I was doing something nice for my husband and my sweet babies were helping, willfully and they were having fun. :)

By the time I finished, it was dark. Drew had been begging to light the sparklers he found in the garage so I did what any good mommy would do.... we had a sparlkers fest in the driveway.

The night ended on a good note, the kids helped with the yard, they got to do sparklers, and all three of us hopped in the car to get out Free Race Trac cup refills.

Fast forward to lunch the day after our good deed......

Darin: Honey, don't ever cut the yard again.

Me: Why? I think it looks good.

Darin: It looks like tee-total hell.....

Drew: (begins to cry) But Daddy, we did that......

Me: Nice Darin, Drew it does look nice. And we had fun didn't we?

Darin: Honey, don't ever cut the yard again.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Mom for the summer

Come Wednesday I will be able to step in to the position of my 2nd dream job. The job of MoMMy!!! Of course this job title could also be re-named as:
  • short order cook
  • taxi cab driver
  • event planner
  • maid
  • custodian
  • etc

I can't wait. The Goodwill store is going to LoVe me this summer!!!!!!! :)

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

A DaY iN tHe LiFe oF tHe DoWnEy'S

I started this blog last year to keep a log of my weight loss. (hahahahaha... those that know me know that didn't last long!) Not just a log of weight loss, but also to keep a log of things that are happening with my family. Time isn't slowing down a matter of fact, I think it is picking up speed. A year has passed....and so many things have happened. SO, I wIlL tRy AgAiN.

My goal is to post at least once a day. I want to remember the quirky things my 6 year old says.... and I want to remember what Madison was like before she becomes a teenager. (GASP!)

And if Darin is lucky... I might just mention him now and then. :)

So here we go......... on a journey "A DaY iN tHe LiFe oF tHe DoWnEy'S"