
Monday, June 28, 2010

Stone Mountain

What a great evening for a laser show! While Cherokee county was getting hit hard with thunderstorms, we enjoyed a overcast, breezy night at the rock. Love me some family time!

Who really needs those cucumbers???

Today has been a busy day! Its been a good busy, I like good "busy's" and thank God for giving me busy days like today.

Here's my day in a snapshot......
Grocery shopping
made waffles
Put dinner in the crockpot

Lunch - chili cheese slaw dogs..... mmmmmm!
Raingutter Regatta w/ Troop 1153 - Drew had a ball!!! Love my little tiger!
Rain - Homemade ice cream...... yum!
Had dinner with sweet friends over

A good girls talk on the driveway..... thanks Denise!
Cleaned the kitchen
Worked on flipcharts for my class next year
Gave Drew man a bath

and then had a late night snack, cucumbers from Tony and Denise's garden..........

Whew!! I think I'm the one that needs those cucumbers! :) Hand 'em over Drew, mommas gotta get some beauty sleep!

Saturday, June 26, 2010

A man and his yard.....

After spending all day at the pool with my dear friend Denise, the kids and I decided that we were going to do our good deed for the day and cut the grass for Darin. Darin has been working long hours and hasn't gotten much sleep, so it seemed like a good idea. Let me stop.... did you see the title? You can probably guess the ending can't you.......?

It was 8:30ish, the sun was setting and the temperture was pleasant. And so it began.... I began mowing, the kids - to my surprise started raking up the extra grass ('cause I don't bag.... Problem #1)

It started getting dark and I am sure I missed a few spots... (Problem #2)

And I could only get the blower cranked once and didn't get it all of the grass blown off the driveway and walkway..... (Problem #3) Do you see a pattern?

It felt good to get out there and sweat and my heart smiled everytime I looked up and saw Madison and Drew working together as a team. I was a happy momma. I was doing something nice for my husband and my sweet babies were helping, willfully and they were having fun. :)

By the time I finished, it was dark. Drew had been begging to light the sparklers he found in the garage so I did what any good mommy would do.... we had a sparlkers fest in the driveway.

The night ended on a good note, the kids helped with the yard, they got to do sparklers, and all three of us hopped in the car to get out Free Race Trac cup refills.

Fast forward to lunch the day after our good deed......

Darin: Honey, don't ever cut the yard again.

Me: Why? I think it looks good.

Darin: It looks like tee-total hell.....

Drew: (begins to cry) But Daddy, we did that......

Me: Nice Darin, Drew it does look nice. And we had fun didn't we?

Darin: Honey, don't ever cut the yard again.